The oral histories collected are a valuable source of historical information collected by interviews, the majority of which were recorded. If someone did not wish to be recorded notes were taken during the interview and then the transcription was reviewed by them to ensure it was a true record of their memory. Two of the oral histories collect do not have recordings. Myra Cook did not wish to be recorded and Irvin Gibson’s memoirs were recoded many years ago so no recording is available, but we have the transcript. Some of the histories cover a wide range of memories of village life and others just specific aspects, events or organisations.
The information collected has been used to provide detail to the narrative which accompanies the photographs on the website. This section includes a ‘transcribed taster’ of the information contained in each of the histories collected so far. The recordings are unedited so included the interviewers voice, comments and any ums and errs! The memories and opinions are those of the individual and not of HHRAA. The full transcription can be obtained by sending us an email, there is a link on the About Us page or you can contact one of the Committee Members.