A Topsy Turvey Christmas

The First Issue of the Hambletonian 1925 includes an advertisement for two Operettas to be presented on 8th, 9th, 15th and 16th February. The picture is of the Cook and kitchen maid in A Topsy Turvey Christmas.
There were three scenes and the participants were Grandmother E. Crave, Prudence L. Milner; Grandmother’s femle guests D. Smith, R. Burton, A. Leddy, C. Milner, D. Boldison, A. Wilson, C. Eshelby, M. Brown. Male guests were L. Hill, D. Spence, R. Trees, E. Parker, A. Longfield, F. Preston and R. Clayton.
Kitchen maids were D. Parrott, I. Ransome, F. Hall, E. Claybourne, K. Bradley, E. Booker, C. Preston, L. Ransome, E. Waddingham and G. Brown. The cook was D. Howie.
Educated cats J. H. Buckton, F. Horsfield, T. Hall, W. Waddingham, I. Hill, F. Clark and W. Wilson.
Talking Dolls were I. Boldison, T. Leddy, L. Walker, M. Stoker, E. Parker and A. Brown. The wooden soldiers were A. Hill, W. Forrest, G. Stoker, E. Stoker, R. Stoker and S. Hill. Father Christmas was A. Dodsworth.

A Topsy Turvey Christmas

Old Schools

Year: 1925