Extracts from the Wesleyan Church book

Recipes from members of Hambleton Chapel were included in the Souvenir Recipe & Quotations Book Selby Wesleyan Church 12th November 1925.
Miss B. Jagger Almond and Cherry Cake – Take a 1/4lb butter, 1/4lb caster sugar, 6oz flour, 2oz ground almonds (sweet), 1/4lb preserved cherries, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and 3 eggs. Beat the butter and sugar to cream, then beat the eggs. Add gradually the flour, almonds. Powder, and cherries cut in halves, mix together and add to the butter, sugar and eggs. Beat well and put into buttered tin, and bake in moderate oven. Mrs Palframan Spice Bread – 2lb flour, 1/2lb butter, 1/2lb lard, 11/2lbs currants, 1/2lb sultanas, 1/4lb candied peel, 4 fresh eggs, 6 teaspoonfuls baking powder, sufficient milk to mix it.
Mrs S. Stoker Cocoanut Slab Cake – 8oz flour, 4oz butter, 4oz sugar, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, 1 egg. Mix together and roll out on sheet tin. Spread with raspberry jam and put on top the following mixture. 6oz cocoanut, 4oz sugar, and 1 egg. Bake in moderate oven and when cold cut in strips.

Extracts from the Wesleyan Church book


Year: 1925