Netball Shield

The Headmaster wrote the following article for the First Issue of the Hambletonian.
Early in 1921 other schools began to provide games for Girls, and in January, the Abbey School began to play Net Ball. Later, other schools followed their example, so that in April the Selby & District School Sports Association decided to adopt Net Ball for Girls during the Summer Season. Later, they realised their mistake, for though it is an excellent game, yet it is totally unsuitable as a summer game.
This decision of the Asociation gave a great advantage to those schools which wre already playing the game, yet we decided to join the Inter-Schools league. Unfortunately, the rules of the game wre not received until four days before the first match, so that our girls were severely handicapped. But several teams suffered from a lack of a sound knowledge of the game which made some matches difficult.
In spite of these handicaps and the consequent succession of defeats, the girls have done remarkably well, and what is still more important, have shown a clean fighting spirit. Their keenness and enthusiasm had been a splendid example to others.

Netball Shield

Old Schools