Bar Farm

The history discovered so far for Bar Farm starts in 1798 when it was owned by Lord Petre. The next reference is to the sale of Plot 296, 3 roods 26 perches, and John Middleton was the tenant. In 1939 the residents were listed as George, Elsie and Hannah Parkin. An advertisement in 1944 described the property as ‘Spacious Farmhouse and buildings and covering slightly over 101 acres of sound level land lying well together, readily accessible and in good heart. House, buildings and home paddock approximately 12 ½ acres remainder arable (including 15 acres ploughed out by order). Tenant Mr G. H. Parkin, rent £155 per annum subject to outgoings.’ The 1961 census listed the residents as Donald, Elsie and Kenneth Parkin. The farm was still owned by Kenneth & Ann Parkin in 2018.

Bar Farm
Farming Business & Industry


Year: 2018